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Detailed Information for Section Chief, Planning

Status:Not Filled
Duty Description:Oversee all incident-related data gathering and analysis regarding incident operations and assigned resources, develop alternatives for tactical operations, conduct planning meetings, and prepare the Incident Action Plan (IAP) for each operational period.
Update Person Responsible:
Update Secondary Person Responsible:  
Documents/Tools:• Hospital Emergency Operations Plan
• Incident Action Plan
• Hospital organization chart
• Hospital telephone directory
• Radio/satellite phone

Action Logs
Planning Section Chief Messages

Immediate Duties:1. Receive appointment and briefing from the Incident Commander. Obtain packet containing Planning Section Job Action Sheets.
2. Read this entire Job Action Sheet and review incident management team chart (HICS Form 207). Put on position identification.
3. Notify your usual supervisor of your HICS assignment.
4. Determine need for and appropriately appoint Unit Leaders, distribute corresponding Job Action Sheets and position identification. Complete the Branch Assignment List (HICS Form 204).
5. Brief Planning Section Unit Leaders and Managers on current situation and incident objectives; develop response strategy and tactics; outline Section action plan and designate time for next briefing.
6. Distribute the Section Personnel Time Sheet (HICS Form 252) to Planning Section personnel and ensure time is recorded appropriately. Submit the Section Personnel Time
Sheet to the Finance/Administration Section’s Time Unit Leader at the completion of a shift or at the end of each operational period.
7. In consultation with the Incident Commander, establish the incident objectives and operational period. Initiate the Incident Objectives Form (HICS Form 202) and distribute to all activated HCC positions.
8. Document all key activities, actions, and decisions in an Operational Log (HICS Form 214) on a continual basis.
9. Establish and maintain communications with Logistics Section Chief and Staging Manager to ensure the accurate tracking of personnel and resources by the Personal Tracking and Materiel Tracking Managers.
10. Facilitate and conduct incident action planning meetings with Command Staff, Section Chiefs and other key positions to plan for the next operational period.
11. Coordinate preparation and documentation of the Incident Action Plan and distribute copies to the
Incident Commander and all Section Chiefs.
12. Ensure the Situation Unit Leader and staff regularly update and document status reports from all Section Chiefs and Unit Leaders.
13. Ensure Planning Section personnel comply with safety policies and procedures.
14. Document all communications (internal and external) on an Incident Message Form (HICS Form 213). Provide a copy of the Incident Message Form to the Documentation Unit.
Ongoing Duties:1. Meet regularly with the Incident Commander to brief on the status of the Planning Section and the Incident Action Plan.
2. Initiate the Resource Accounting Record (HICS Form 257) to track equipment used during the response.
3. Attend command briefings and meetings.
4. Continue to conduct regular planning meetings with Planning Section Unit Leaders, Section Chiefs, Command Staff, and the Incident Commander for continued update and
development of the Incident Action Plan.
5. Ensure that the Planning Section is adequately staffed and supplied.
HICS Printable Version:Planning-Planning-Planning_Section_Chief-2014.pdf
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