Collect, process, and organize ongoing situation information; prepare situation summaries; and develop projections and forecasts of future events related to the
incident. Prepare maps and gather and disseminate information and intelligence for use in the Incident Action Plan (IAP).
Update Secondary Person Responsible:
• Incident Action Plan
• Hospital emergency operations plan
• Hospital organization chart
• Hospital telephone directory
• Radio/satellite phone
• Access to IT systems (e-mail, internet, telecommunications, printers)
• Chart-size facility plans and local area maps
1. Receive appointment and briefing from the Planning Section Chief. Obtain packet containing Situation Unit Job Action Sheets.
2. Read this entire Job Action Sheet and review incident management team chart (HICS Form 207). Put on position identification.
3. Notify your usual supervisor of your HICS assignment.
4. Appoint Managers as appropriate and complete the Branch Assignment List (HICS Form 204); distribute corresponding Job Action Sheets and identification.
• Patient Tracking Manager
• Bed Tracking Manager
5. Obtain status report on Information Technology/Information systems.
6. Establish a Planning information center in the HCC with a status/condition board and post information as it is received. Assign a recorder/documentation aide to keep the
board updated with current information.
7. Receive and record status reports as they are received.
8. Assign a recorder to monitor, document and organize all communications sent and received via the inter-hospital emergency communication network or other external communication.
9. Assure the status updates and information provided to Command Staff and Section Chiefs is accurate, complete, and current.
10. Document all key activities, actions, and decisions in an Operational Log (HICS Form 214).
11. Document all communications (internal and external) on an Incident Message Form (HICS Form 213). Provide a copy of the Incident Message Form to the Documentation
Ongoing Duties:
1. Meet regularly with the Planning Section Chief, Section Chiefs and Branch Directors to obtain situation and status reports, and relay important information to team Members.
2. Ensure that an adequate number of recorders are assigned to perform Situation Unit activities. Coordinate personnel requests with Labor Pool & Credentialing Unit Leader.
3. Ensure backup and protection of existing data for main and support computer systems, in coordination with Logistics Section’s IT/IS Unit and Business Continuity Branch’s Information Technology Unit.
4. Publish an internal incident situation status report for employee information at least every 4 hours as indicated. Collaborate with the Public Information Officer, Support Branch Director, and Labor Pool & Credentialing Unit Leader to develop and distribute
the internal incident situation report.
5. Ensure the security and prevent the loss of written and electronic HCC response documentation. Collaborate with the Security Officer and IT/IS Unit Leader as
6. Ensure development of a demobilization plan by the Demobilization Unit Leader, in collaboration with Section Chiefs and Command Staff.
7. Assist the Planning Section Chief to develop the Incident Action Plan at designated intervals.
8. Advise the Planning Section Chief immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct or resolve.