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Detailed Information for Unit Leader, Medical Gases

Status:Not Filled
Identifier:Medical Gases Unit Leader
Duty Description:Organize and distribute medical gases to requesting clinical care areas.
Update Person Responsible:
Update Secondary Person Responsible:  
Documents/Tools:• Incident Action Plan
• Hospital emergency operations plan
• Hospital organization chart
• Hospital telephone directory
• Radio/satellite phone
• PC with internet access, as available
• Facility maps and ancillary services schematics
• Inventory list and vendor supply list

Action Logs
Medical Devices Unit Leader Messages

Immediate Duties:1. Receive appointment, briefing, and any appropriate materials from the Infrastructure Branch Director.
2. Read this entire Job Action Sheet and review incident management team chart (HICS Form 207). Put on position identification.
3. Notify your usual supervisor of your HICS assignment.
Document all key activities, actions, and decisions in an Operational Log (HICS Form 214) on a continual basis.
4. Appoint Medical Gases Unit members and complete the Branch Assignment List (HICS Form 204).
5. Brief Unit members on current situation, incident objectives and strategy; outline Unit action plan; and designate time for next briefing.
6. Ensure Unit members comply with safety policies and procedures.
7. Coordinate activities and inventories with Logistics Section’s Supply Unit Leader.
8. Dispatch pre-designated medical gases to casualty care areas. Enlist the assistance of the Transportation Unit Leader.
9. Establish and communicate the operational status of medical gases to the Infrastructure Branch Director.
10. Place emergency order(s) for the medical gases as indicated; advise Infrastructure Branch Director of any issues encountered.
11. Regularly report inventories of medical gases to Materiel Tracking Manager.
12. Check security of all medical gas depots in conjunction with Security Branch.
13. Coordinate with Infrastructure Branch Director to request external resource assistance.
14. Document all communications (internal and external) on an Incident Message Form (HICS Form 213). Provide a copy of the Incident Message Form to the Documentation Unit.
Ongoing Duties:1. Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports, and relay important information to Unit members.
2. Continue to closely monitor medical gases usage and supply.
3. Continue to ensure medical gas depots are kept secure in conjunction with Security Branch.
4. Ensure minimum of 3 day supply of medical gases available.
5. Restock treatment areas per request and at least every 8 hours.
6. Advise Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct.
HICS Printable Version:Operations-Infrastructure-Medical_Gases_Unit_Leader-2014.pdf
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