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Detailed Information for Unit Leader, Surgical Services

Status:Not Filled
Identifier:Surgical Services Unit Leader
Duty Description:Supervise and maintain the surgical capabilities to the best possible level in respect to current conditions in order to meet the needs of in-house and newly admitted patients.
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Action Logs
Surgical Services Unit Leader Messages

Shift:24 hours
Immediate Duties:1. Receive appointment from Clinical Ops Chief.
2. Read this entire job duty profile and review emergency organizational chart.
3. Put on position identification vest and/or badge.
4. Receive briefing from Clinical Ops Chief with other In-Patient Area unit leaders.
5. Assess current pre-op, operating suite and post-op capabilities. Project immediate and prolonged capacities to provide surgical services based on current data.
6. Begin patient priority assessment; designate those eligible for early discharge. Remind all staff that all in-patient discharges are routed through the Discharge Unit.
7. Develop action plan in cooperation with other In-Patient Area unit leaders and Nursing Supervision.
8. Request needed resources from Nursing Supervision.
9. Assign and schedule O.R. teams as necessary; obtain additional personnel from Labor Pool.
Ongoing Duties:1. Identify location of Immediate and Delayed Treatment areas; inform patient transportation personnel.
2. Contact Safety & Security Officer of security and traffic flow needs in Surgical Services area.
3. Report equipment/material needs to Materials Supply Unit Leader.
4. Ensure that all area and individual documentation is current and accurate. Request documentation/clerical personnel from Labor Pool if necessary.
5. Observe and assist any staff who exhibit signs of stress and fatigue. Report concerns to In-Patient Areas Supervisor. Provide for staff rest periods and relief.
6. Review and approve the area documentation aide's recordings of actions/decisions in the Surgical Services Area. Send copy to the In-Patient Areas Supervisor.
7. Direct non-utilized personnel to Labor Pool.
8. Address all other concerns/issues as they occur.

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